Djoudj National Park and Langue de Barbarie

23-29 December 2017

Djoudj National Park (PNOD) is located at about 60 kmss north of Saint-Louis in the Senegal River delta. It offers a succession of wetlands with fresh or brackish water, Sahelian savannah with many channels, lakes, basins and swamps. This park is probably one of the best ornithological spots in West Africa.


Note that « Hôtel du Djoudj » is the only possible accommodation near to the park. This hotel, which was formerly classified luxurious, is unfortunately falling into a decline. The prices are not really decreasing but the current managers are very friendly. 

The official park guides are not, for most of them, passionate about nature and it is not necessary to be accompanied. However, we recommend you a very good ornithologist guide named « Vieux » Ngom. He has a real gift to find any bird and the park has no secret for him. You can contact him through the hotel.


We had a very special weather during our week in the North. Wind, sandstorm and freshness were at the appointment. Therefore the light was not ideal for photography. On the other hand, this capricious weather probably allowed us to see some beautiful pythons that had to come out to warm up and stay in the open. After our dugout ride, two individuals were waiting for us near the landing stage!


After the PNOD, we stayed a few days at the Langue de Barbarie south of Saint-Louis. In our opinion, this region is less interesting but the Saint-Louis wastewater treatment plant, located oppositr the Guambeul nature reserve, is worth a stop. It is freshwater oasis attracting many species of birds and surprises are not excluded, such the Baillon’s crake spotted by our friend Bram Piot the day before our visit.


The other visited sites :

- Sine Saloum National Park, south-west, just above Gambia

- La Somone and Dakar area