Jardim Amazonia

1-8  August 2022

This charming lodge, a private nature reserve, is located 300 km north of Cuiaba, in the centre of Mato Grosso, in the extreme south of the Amazon basin. This large piece of forest lies in the ecotone between the Cerrado and the Amazon forest. The trees are much smaller, making it easier to watch the canopy bird species, many of which are Amazonian specialities.

The lodge itself is surrounded by natural wetlands and man-made ponds. On night walks we saw many Frogs and a new species of crocodile, Cuvier's dwarf caiman, Paleosuchus palpebrosus. We decided to stay for a week, and it really wasn't too much: new bird species were waiting for us at every turn of the road!

A great place, an oasis in the middle of endless monocultures,  that we can only recommend.

For further information: https://www.jardimamazonia.com/

Visited area:


2. Cerrado : Chapadas dos Guimarães and Emas national parks
3. Jardim Amazonia
4. REGUA (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu)